2013年2月15日、スーパーキンタの建物内に Perak Urban Transformation Centre
(Perak UTC) が公式にオープンしました。UTCは連邦政府の機関および州政府機関のほとんどすべてが同じ建物内に集結したサービスセンターです。人々が施設の快適さと利便性を享受出来るよう土曜と日曜も含めて、午前8時30分~午後10時まで毎日オープンしています。祝日のみクローズです。
ナジブ首相下の政府は、都市の人々が様々な重要な公共および民間機関と取引きする際に、それらの分権的な場所により対処に時間が掛かるという問題に直面していることを理解しています。「人々 第一、パフォーマンス 今」の原則に焦点を当てた1マレーシアの概念に基づき、National
Blue Ocean Starategy 6(NBOS6)の下では、政府はワンストップとして機能するUrban
Transformation Centre (UTC)を確立することにしました。官民のサービスの殆どがセンター集中型のサービスセンターを通して機能します。
Urban Transformation Centre(Perak UTC)として改装されました。政府の様々なサービス、民間公益企業およびNGOのセンターとなるために、イポーで最大のショッピングセンターが利用されました。Perak
Perak UTCは次の10サービス群を提供しています。
1. 政府サービス
2. セキュリティーサービス
3. ヘルスサービス
4. 金融サービス
5. 教育、訓練、仕事サービス
6. 青少年開発サービス
7. 福祉と地域開発サービス
8. ビジネスと企業家技量開発サービス
9. 公共事業サービス
10. 民間公益団体サービス
Lembaga Air Perak, TENAGA NASIONAL, Telekom Malaysia, Pos Malaysia のような公共事業サービス,
Majlis Bandaraya Ipoh の都市開発サービス、ポリスや図書館、スポーツジム、クリニックなどのサービスがあります。
Perak UTCを訪れ、イポー市のこの新しいランドマークが提供する利便性に大変感動しました。
Majlis Bandaraya Ipoh (MBI)
Under the National Blue Ocean Starategy 4 (NBOS4), the government under
the leadership of the Right Honourable prime Minister Dato' Seri Mohd Najib
bin Tun Abdul Razak, has introduced a new initiative in upgrading the people's
outreach to the various services of the public and private sectors. Under
this initiative, the Rural Transformation Centre (RTC) was established.
Based on the concept of 1 Malaysia which focuses on the principle of "People
First, Performance Now", the government understands that the main
problem faced by the people of large cities to deal with various important
public and private agencies is time due to their decentralized locations.
Thus, under the National Blue Ocean Starategy 6 (NBOS6), the government
has launched another initiative by establishing the Urban Transformation
Centre (UTC) which functions as a one-stop centre for most of the services
of public and private sectors to resolve problems faced by the public through
a centralized service centre. This is one of the initiatives of Urban Transformation
Programme in ensuring that urban society is not left out from the benefits
of the Government Transformation Programmes (GTP).
The government plans to form UTCs in all major cities and towns throughout
the country. The first Urban Transformation Centre is the Malacca UTC which
was launched on 23rd June 2012, followed by the Kuala Lumpur UTC on 22nd
September 2012.
The government realizes that an Urban Transformation Centre (UTC) will
provide a significant impact on the development of the city by providing
convenient and friendly services to the people. Ipoh City Council took
the initiative by offering to the Perak Government and the Minister Of
Finance the floor space vacated by the Super Kinta Supermarket at Ipoh
Central Market building to be refurbished as the Perak Urban Transformation
Centre (Perak UTC).
The establishment of the Perak UTC on the site itself is yet a process
of transforming floor area usage from once the largest shopping centre
in Ipoh to become the centre for various services of the government, private
utility companies and NGO's. The Perak UTC unique feature is that it also
accommodates retailers of wet and dry markets in the same building.
In line with slogan "Promises Fulfilled", the Perak UTC started
operation on the 2nd of January, 2013 and at the moment, has become the
main attraction by the people of Ipoh and Perak state to get the various
major services.
The Perak UTC comprises of 57 agencies operating in 53 kiosks that offer
10 cluster services as follow:
1. Government Services
2. Security Services
3. Health Services
4. Financial Services
5. Education, Training and Job Services
6. Youth Development Services
7. Welfare and Community Development Services
8. Business and Enterpreneurship Development Services
9. Utility Services
10. NGO Services
The government is confident that the Perak UTC is capable of providing
excelent services to customers dealing with the particular agencies, in
order to achieve the objective of providing quality public delivery system.
Apart from fulfilling customer satisfaction, the Perak UTC will also function
as a catalyst to the development of the surrounding property market.
The Perak UTC has been operating daily from 8.00am until 10.00pm, including
on Saturdays and Sundays to ensure that the people enjoy the comfort and
convenience of the facilities in line with the government's aspiration.
"People First, Performance Now". it is only closed on public
08 July 2013
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